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Example: Inventory

Many data base applications have similar features: (1) a form with a grid of data (like a spreadsheet) or a column of labels with adjacent entry fields, (2) a consistent set of buttons, and (3) some way of interacting with SQL commands to a data base.  Each of these features was developed as a Mark C# Library.  Thus, the following libraries were created:

TableGridLIB Grid sheet or columns of entry fields and a "pager" control of buttons.
EntityLIB Perform SQL functions to ODBC database(s).
SortLIB Two-dimension sort routines.
LoggerLIB Log any string message into a XML file.

Any of these libraries can be used separately in an application (See the various applications in the SourceForge). By the way, the TableGridLIB has grid columns that use the Sort library to reorder the grid values.  And, the EntityLIB can optionally use the LoggerLIB to write data base events to a XML file.  While developing, and using these libraries, it was felt that application code could be reduced further by moving related functions into one of the libraries.  Most of these helpful routines are in the TableGridLIB.


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